El TDDHH de Estrasburgo condena al Estado español a indemnizar a un preso vasco por no investigar su denuncia de torturas

Miércoles 29 de septiembre de 2010


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El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos ha condenado al Estado español a indemnizar con 23.000 euros al preso político vasco Mikel San Argimiro, por no investigar la denuncia de torturas que efectuó tras ser detenido e incomunicado por la Guardia Civil.

Se remite la Nota de prensa del Consejo de Europa y la sentencia del TEDDHH.

Tribunal de DDHH de Estrasburgo, 28 de septiembre de 2010

San Argimiro Isasa v. Spain (no. 2507/07)

The applicant, Mikel San Argimiro Isasa, is a Spanish national who was born in 1962 and is currently serving a prison sentence in Badajoz (Spain). He was arrested in May 2002 on suspicion of belonging to an armed group, terrorism, storing arms and ammunition, and several counts of attempted murder. Relying on Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment), the applicant complains that he was subjected to ill-treatment during his arrest and while in detention, including blows to the head, suffocation with a plastic bag over his head, sexual harassment and humiliation and threats of death and rape. Relying on Article 13 (right to an effective remedy), he alleges that none of his appeals to the domestic authorities led to an effective investigation or the identification of those responsible for the alleged ill-treatment.





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